Alien Influence in the Mental Environment
Only in certain key arenas that have been identified
Do not “assume that the Intervention has real power or influence over our thoughts and lives. The Focus of the Intervention is only in certain key arenas which the Allies of Humanity have revealed to us. The Intervention is a very small but powerful presence in the world.
It can only cast and maintain influence over certain people for certain purposes. Do not assume you are one of these people unless proven otherwise. Do not give your power away to this.”
Marshall Vian Summers, Campfire Chat, 8/13/22
Key arenas of influence from the Intervention
1. Influence over key individuals with promises of power, technology and world domination

The first area of activity of the visitors is to influence individuals in positions of power and authority.
Because the visitors do not want to destroy anything in the world or harm the world’s resources, they seek to gain influence over those whom they perceive to be in positions of power, within government and religion primarily. They seek contact, but only with certain individuals. They have the power to make this contact, and they have the power of persuasion. Not all of those they contact will be persuaded, but many will be. The promise of greater power, greater technology and world domination will intrigue and incite many individuals. And it is these individuals with whom the visitors will seek to establish a liaison.
The Allies of Humanity Book One, First Briefing: The Extraterrestrial Presence in the World Today
2. Influence by manipulating our religious values and impulses
The second avenue of activity is the manipulation of religious values and impulses.
Many people want to give themselves to anything they think has a greater voice and a greater power. Your visitors can project images—images of your saints, of your teachers, of angels—images that are held dear and sacred within your world. They have cultivated this ability through many, many centuries of attempting to influence each other and by learning the ways of persuasion that are practiced in many places in the Greater Community. They consider you primitive, and so they feel they can exert this influence and use these methods upon you.”
The Allies of Humanity Book One, First Briefing: The Extraterrestrial Presence in the World Today
It is only fair to ask the question and ever more fair to keep suggested answers closely held.
Louis Farrakhan describes where he got his sense of mission, in the midst of a real alien abduction in which his mentor and religious leader, Elijah Muhammad, appeared.
Religion has confused this terribly—religious belief and understanding; and human conjecture, human adoption and human corruption. So now the stream is very muddy and very unclear, and the waters are not pure.
The One God, Chapter 8: The Redemption
3. Influence through pacifying the population into acceptance
The third area of activity is to establish the visitors’ presence in the world and to have people become used to this presence, creating hidden establishments in the world from which the Intervention can exert its influence in the mental environment, seeking to make people everywhere open and compliant to its will.
They want humanity to become acclimated to this very great change that is occurring in your midst—to have you become acclimated to the visitors’ physical presence and to their effect on your own Mental Environment. To serve this purpose, they will create establishments here, though not in view. These establishments will be hidden, but they will be very powerful in casting an influence on human populations that are near them.”[9]“
The Allies of Humanity Book One, First Briefing: The Extraterrestrial Presence in the World Today
4. Influence by taking people to create a hybrid race and a new leadership who would be bonded to the visitors.
The fourth area in which your visitors seek to establish themselves is through interbreeding.
They cannot live in your environment. They need your physical stamina. They need your natural affinity with the world. They need your reproductive abilities. They also want to bond with you because they understand that this creates allegiance. This, in a way, establishes their presence here because the offspring of such a program will have blood relations in the world and yet will have allegiance to the visitors.
The Allies of Humanity Book One, First Briefing: The Extraterrestrial Presence in the World Today