Allies Do Not Interfere

Your allies will not intrude. Your allies will not seek to manipulate you or give you power that you cannot yet assume or give you technologies that you cannot yet use constructively. Your allies do not seek to conquer you or to make you part of their associations. The Allies of Humanity Book Two, Second Briefing: Why the Intervention is Occurring

High scrupulosity will provoke the question, aren’t the Allies of Humanity interfering with our destiny when they alert us to the agenda from other extraterrestrial groups?

An old interference that was a gift

“Many thousands of years ago, in your time, several races came to interbreed with humanity to give humanity a greater intelligence and adaptability.” The Allies of Humanity Book One, Second Briefing: The Challenge to Human Freedom

I once held a feeling of deep offense–as if we’d been robbed of our natural or God-given evolutionary path–at the interference when intelligence was seeded to create the evolutionary leap creating  “Modern Man.” It looked to me suspiciously like there had to be an ulterior motive behind this intrusive interference.

I have come to accept this version of that event:

“Intelligent life was seeded in your world. This was a gift from the Greater Community. It was a gift of greater intelligence so that your ancestors could accelerate their development within a relatively short period of time. This gave birth to the modern human race as you know it now. Intelligence was seeded in a few places and then it dispersed throughout the world.” Greater Community Spirituality, Chapter 27: What is the evolution of religion in the world

I recognize my bias for evolution as revealed by a recent article by David Wolpe in The Atlantic Monthly that describes this underlying belief as a mark of the politically progressive. I come to realize how I’ve favored some of my own natural inclinations that were not inherently good and now can abjure mechanisms in my make-up that hinder my objectivity and presence of mind.

I now know why I felt antagonized: if I am intelligent, I must be responsible. Intelligence is needed now, first to overcome our weaker natural instincts and next to discern the difference between interference and a discreet and well placed warning.

No strings attached warning a gift not to neglect

Better to be realistic and objective and to hold in abeyance the idealism of scrupulosity.

In the words of the Allies of Humanity

We are not here to use your resources or to take from you what you possess.

We do not seek to establish humanity as a client state or as a colony for our own uses.

Instead, we wish to foster strength and wisdom within humanity because we support this throughout the Greater Community.–The Allies of Humanity Book One, 1st Briefing: The Extraterrestrial Presence in the World Today

Allies do not interfere

The Allies emphatically state their intention not to interfere, but to observe and report.

For unlike those intervening in your world at this time, we seek only to observe and to advise.”The Allies of Humanity Book Two, First Briefing:The Universe into Which You Are Emerging


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