“Fear-Based,” Say Those Who Deny the Reality of Competition in the Universe
Do not react with hope. Do not react with fear. Respond with Knowledge..Wisdom from the Greater Community, Book 2, Chapter 10: Greater Community Visitations
Let fear not be your motivation; let wishful thinking not be your motivation. Let Knowledge itself be your motivation. Greater Community Spirituality, Chapter 15: Who Serves Humanity?
Implacable dread might be a clue
Fear is not the best motivation for change but sometimes it is the necessary one: fear of failing, fear of being left behind, fear of being stuck somewhere or with someone inappropriately, fear of losing your health, fear of harm or injury, fear of losing your freedom, fear of poverty and depravation. Authentic fear is nature’s way of saying “Wake up, look around, take action immediately or soon!” With the Great Waves coming, always evaluate your fears, especially if they are prolonged. Usually fear is more or less 80% imaginery, 20% necessary. You don’t want to miss the necessary ones. –Marshall Summers, 2024.2.17 Campfire Chat
“We come not to incite fear but to provoke a sense of responsibility.” The Allies of Humanity Book One, Second Briefing: The Challenge to Human Freedom
For more
More quotes about fear are found on the New Message wiki.
The previous post presents a deliberative and analytical approach to taking reasonable precautions in the face of realistic, probabilistically, expectations, and best information.