“How to Herd Humans”, Part 3: Pander to Their Beliefs

“How to Herd Humans,” a series  identifying systemic weaknesses among humans that represent a real vulnerability against the alien competition in the Greater Community.

If you can imagine this: the physically real aliens present in our world today are here as resource explorers who seek to subjugate our native people to further exploit the resources of our world.

And this: the tools they use are psychological, based on study of our behaviors and responses.

Then you will understand how their need for resources motivates them to exploit our weaknesses. These might be tightly connected to our great strengths, as in the case of spiritual development among humans.

Pander to Their Beliefs

Our spirituality is one area of great human achievement. Though hardly understood at all by the resource exploitative mentality, its liabilities and compromises are glaring enough to be spotted at 30,000 feet, seen well enough that these real aliens know how to manipulate our thinking and beliefs, especially regarding ourselves in relationship to the universe, a vast unknown to most of our thinking. We are not the first race in the universe to be poised on the brink of disaster, craving rescue.

Human beliefs represent, then, an area of vulnerability, particularly when beliefs are ill founded, as in the case of superstition, and most critically when beliefs are deeply imbedded in the consciousness and go unrecognized.

Pander Especially to Their Delusions of Grandeur

The Intervention will appeal to the deep sense of greatness humans carry within, that sense of mission–however buried–we all bear, and among all today the added sense we were all born at a critical time in human history.

This inner sense of greatness is a weak spot, being starved for attention–repressed, dismissed, lacking all proof.

The Intervention will appeal to the sense, this hunger, we have that “there must be something more” than reality as we know it, especially in those who seek the secret to life, the hidden mysteries, and believe in other realms and revelation. Because we are entering a time of cataclysmic shift, people who sense this are nervous and susceptible to alarm.

There is nothing wrong with taking the gift of your individual life very seriously. This would be the best defense against the wiles of the Intervention finding your sense of high self-worth when its foundation is still unknown but sought.

That deep sense of importance does originate from a place of deepest inclinations, yet it can be misled.

Distorted Truth

These beliefs all point to something beyond themselves that is more or less true, more or less intuited and very susceptible to misapprehension and superstitious certainty where there is no certainty. All these beliefs represent areas where our hopeful expectations can be led down the garden path:

  • our longing to end Separation
  • our sense of destiny, sense of purpose, feeling a calling to do something important
  • a sense of a critical shift in human evolution  

Here are some of the forms that these sensibilities take, illustrations in the gallery of treasured beliefs. In this wing are beliefs used to justify or explain away real alien abduction, a great violation of the individual:

  • As above so below.
  • The oneness of everything
  • You are special.
  • You agreed to this before coming into this life; long ago we made a “soul agreement”
  • Aliens do not have a soul, so they do what they do to get a soul as well.
  • Aliens need us to regenerate/improve their DNA and so we must accept their abductions in order to help them.
  • Aliens are watching over us to guide and protect us with massive bases on the moon and other places in the solar system.
  • If they had wanted to hurt/kill us, they already would have.
  • Aliens must be harmless because abductees are returned “unharmed”; any harshness is “tough love” that we need for our own good
  • The possibility of overcoming all problems and limitations
  • Free energy

These are seductions and blandishments. They pander to inarticulate yearnings and unexamined belief, which is superstition.

Take Action

What is at risk is our most treasured possession, the freedom we know on Earth today (unlike what will be known in the future world degraded and compromised). The call to preserve human sovereignty is the one uniting force to align our beliefs and expressions along the lines we hold dear.

How to Herd Humans, Part 1: Timing

How to Herd Humans, Part 2: Cull the Fringe 

How to Herd Humans, Part 4: Target Our Weakness

How to Herd Humans, Part 5: Guilt Trip

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