It Is New. It Is Religious. It Is a Movement.

All statements are the author’s own opinion, based on personal observation and experience, after long exposure to the teachings of the New Message from God. 

The New Message from God is a new religious movement that takes for granted the reality of intelligent life in the universe. In this, it represents a profound re-orientation to life and the universe and the questions that have been addressed by world religions.


As a new religious movement, the New Message from God offers a live, ongoing case study into the evolution of human religion in the 21st century, with the benefit of technology for

  • a strong online presence for indoctrination and dissemination
  • archiving the history and scripture
  • translation into world languages
  • public access to foundational texts

A religion based on divine revelation

Devoted followers acknowledge the New Message from God as divine revelation and the Messenger bringing the Message as a representative of divine agency. The revealed Message so designates Marshall Summers and indicates the role can only be conferred, would never be wished for by any worthy, and is bound to invite ridicule if not worse. 

Essential teachings

Marshall Summer’s son is the first and foremost person to have been immersed in this teaching from birth. He now seeks to promote the core ideas and practices derived from the teachings. These include

  • a necessary caution regarding extraterrestrial Intervention
  • how divine revelation occurs, when and through what means
  • responsible stewardship of resources
  • how costly the folly of consumerism and war
  • the need to be sober and realistic in the face of the new 
  • dire predictions of sea level rise, human migration and chaotic systems on every level–geologic, political, economic, social–all occurring, upon contact with extraterrestrials using subtle means to claim rights to Earth’s resources.

The first and last bullet points listed are hard realities; in between are the implications for an appropriate response. The distance between where we are and where we need to be is great, not to be overcome except by diligent, regular, attentive practice. People do not need to buy into a new religion to take appropriate action. Anyone can adjust their relationship to current reality with these recommendations.

This new religion deselects any

  • who aren’t seeking a new religion, who are content in their current framework in reference to the “ground of all being”;
  • who seek explanations other than the ETH (the extraterrestrial hypothesis);
  • who prefer to “think positive, no fear” 

unless and except they have some degree of openness to what is found there and can maintain an objective view regarding what is known, what can be known and what “can only be known” (experientially and/or through prayer and contemplation with rigor).

A text-based religion

The New Message from God is “message driven.” It’s all about the texts, apprehended through individual and group study, for life-changing effect.

People who are looking can investigate at will the result of the emphasis on preserving the recordings and the texts, along with the reflections of the first recipients, the Summers and their close associates, on the primary website, and various other sites 

UFO religion

The New Message cosmology is the essential teaching of the New Message, described as a warning, a blessing and a preparation. It can be boiled down to two fundamental truths:

  • Contact is occurring.
  • Humanity is not prepared.

The emphasis on what is called emergence into the Greater Community is the raison d’etre for this New Message. The two-pronged emphasis is

  • to promote awareness of the physical reality of the alien presence and its subtle mechanism to thwart human sovereignty
  • to facilitate human unity, discretion regarding transmissions of intention and activity to the universe, and self-sufficiency, without reliance on “free merchandise” (i.e., technology in exchange for consumer demand to the supplier)

Self-taught curriculum

The Greater Community Way of Knowledge
Steps to Knowledge

For those who are ready for the deep dive, to know for themselves, is this true, there is the Steps to Knowledge. a day-by-day meditation/contemplation practice to develop a working relationship with the inner guidance system that this new revelation calls Knowledge.

This is a serious study; those who follow it think of themselves as students, or sometimes, people of the New Message.

Be alert, be aware

Followers of the New Message and other works by Marshall Summers are enthusiasts, eager to communicate this new perspective, only to find that the majority of the population would rather not

  • heed the warning,
  • receive the blessing and
  • begin the preparation for a new, emergent world in a competitive universe. 

People avoid what they don’t like. The New Message is given for those seeking disclosure at all levels–from self-disclosure to disclosure from the real alien present in our oceans, skies and populations. There are those who choose denial, who wish to preserve the illusion that all is well. The New Message aims for the few who are looking, asking and patient enough to stay with a possible answer to ascertain its value.

Not a quick study

Nothing replaces a thorough examination of all that is available from the New Message from God, an intimidating prospect, for the page count nears five digits. 

One or another of these books is a good starting point for the UAP-curious:

Preparing for the Greater Community

The Greater Community

Greater Community Spirituality

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