Our Isolation in the Universe Is Over

“Our world’s isolation in the universe is over.”

“There is no returning to your former isolated state.”The Allies of Humanity Book Two, First Briefing:The Universe into Which You Are Emerging

Humanity has lived in isolation throughout its entire evolution with only very brief encounters with races from beyond the world.” Life in the Universe, Chapter 2: A Brief History of the Visitation to the Eart]

Living in isolation for so very long, your whole notion of yourself, your notion of Creation and the Divine, are very much associated with this one world alone. It is like you are an isolated tribe who has never been discovered by the outer world, not knowing the greater powers that exist around you and completely unprepared for the day when your existence would be discovered from the outside.The Greater Community, Chapter 4: Entering the Greater Community

Go Deeper

Read Preparing for the Greater Community, free online.

Hear Marshall speak to his son Reed about these things, saying,

“Many people in the world today think that there must be floods or tidal waves or earthquakes in order for something new to happen, in order for a breakthrough to happen in human understanding. For it is generally recognized that if nothing significant happens to humanity, nothing significant will change. And because people still believe they are living in isolation, they imagine all kinds of physical calamities in order to provide the stimulation and the context for the expansion of human intelligence and capabilities.

“This is all the result of living and thinking in isolation. Yet it does hold a seed of truth. The seed of truth is recognizing that unless you encounter a greater intelligence or a greater set of circumstances, to which you are [not yet] adapted, you will not be able to grow and expand individually or as a race.”

And follow this blog as it develops the theme of humanity’s emergence into the Greater Community.

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