Soft Disclosure, Selective Disclosure

What do we want?

What do we want? Disclosure!

When do we want it? Yesterday!

That’s the chant from the those who know aliens are real. We know this alien presence on Earth is a reality. What we want is for the government to at least acknowledge the reality and their official awareness of it.

Now that’s where it gets tricky. What would it take for officials to admit how intimately aware they have been at the highest levels, even to have waged treaties that only embarrass our race and reveal our helplessness? When we say we want disclosure, how much disclosure are we seeking?

It seems not so long ago that for the government to confess a little (“Yes, that is an unidentified aerial phenomenon. We can’t account for it.”) would be to unravel all the secrecy–the reality of the extraterrestrial presence on Earth would be officially acknowledged. Now we learn how an admission can come at a time when no one is listening and everyone is locked in their camps of belief.

Lue Elizondo, early last year, pointed out the general term “disclosure” could cover a wide range of expectations:

Enough people must become aware.

“I think we first need to define what ‘disclosure’ means, because I think it means different things to different people. If you mean ‘disclosure’ as defined by the fact that these things are real, then I think we are already there. However, some people want the Government to admit things like ‘Elvis is on the mother-ship’ and we are being invaded by reptilians from the Alpha Proxima. In this case, I don’t think these people will be satisfied ever because this is not going to happen in, my honest opinion. I think the best we can hope for is that the reality of UAPs is indeed real and that we need to do A LOT more homework to really figure out what these things are, how they work, who is behind the wheel, and what are their intentions.”

“I believe we are at the point where putting the toothpaste back in the tube is not likely. In part because a critical mass of individuals in our Government have been briefed officially as to the reality and nature of the phenomena. These briefings were conducted by active Government representatives serving in an official capacity. As a result, there are likely records of these meetings occurring. In addition, I believe enough people in our Government have been made aware over the last 2 years that a program existed and continues to exist and at some point, these individuals will be either leaving or retiring from Government service and will also come forward.”

 Luis Elizondo as quoted by John Greenewald, Jr. on The Black Vault, January 13, 2020: “Breaking The Silence: Luis Elizondo Speaks Out on Criticism, the Pentagon, Disclosure and the Future”. Greenewald recently interviewed Elizondo here about the erasure of Elizondo’s emails while working for AATIP

The disclosure we want and the disclosure we need

Reed Summers points out one major omission: all this talk about disclosure by our government, who is demanding the aliens disclose their agenda? “Most calls for disclosure are demands for disclosure from the government. Nobody demands disclosure from the extraterrestrial presence.”

Disclosure to people from their governments is important, but people also must disclose what they see and what they themselves have experienced regarding the presence of the Intervention.

”The Allies of Humanity” Book Three, Fourth Briefing: Hidden Powers]

Beyond disclosure

We want more than disclosure from the government. We ourselves must expose the alien agenda, for if we waited until the extraterrestrials reveal their intentions, then it will be too late, when they no longer have any need for secrecy.

The publishers of the Allies of Humanity list the actions we as citizens must take as disclosure becomes each person’s responsibility to become aware and informed, alert and wise.
“We must confront and question many of the prevailing assumptions and tendencies regarding the possibility and the reality of Contact. These include:

  • denial;
  • hopeful expectation;
  • misinterpreting the evidence to affirm our beliefs;
  • wanting and expecting salvation from the “visitors”;
  • believing that ET technology will save us;
  • feeling hopeless and submissive to what we assume is a superior force;
  • demanding government disclosure but not ET disclosure;
  • condemning human leaders and institutions while maintaining unquestioned acceptance of the “visitors”;
  • assuming that because they have not attacked or invaded us, they must be here for our good;
  • assuming that advanced technology equals advanced ethics and spirituality;
  • believing that this phenomenon is a mystery when in fact it is a comprehensible event;
  • believing that ETs in some way have claim to humanity and to this planet;
  • and believing that humanity is irredeemable and cannot make it on its own.”

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