Test Your E.T. IQ


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#1. Why are Extraterrestrial Aliens visiting Earth?

While the Earth is a magnificent gem of a  planet, Aliens are not here on vacation. Aliens are here to:

    • divide humanity


    • foster dependency through trinkets of technology


    • invite distraction, and distortion of their real agenda


All of this is so that Aliens get control over this planet and its resources, of which humanity is a part, as a valuable work force. It is a plan that has succeeded on countless other planets when the native peoples overuse the natural resources of their planet.

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Continue testing your E.T. IQ to boost your awareness of and discernment for the intelligent observation of extraterrestrials in our world.


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Editor on https://www.newmessage.org/wiki and http://extraterrestrial-wiki.com/

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