Pandemic vs. Pandemonium: Manage Accordingly

“We’re being shown what is coming. This is what is coming. It is going to come—sometimes very gradually, like something like sea level rise or desertification. Big events can happen, but generally this is almost imperceptible to most people. And then you have something very emergent and sudden such as we’re facing now. …don’t be afraid to know things about reality because reality is your friend, if you can embrace it, if you can see it compassionately and gain from it the wisdom that it offers.”

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Speaking to the Reality of Intelligent Life in the Universe: Context Is Everything

Can you deal with the reality of intelligent life from beyond your world without romance, without hopeful expectation, without greed? Can you deal with this objectively and honestly? Can you say to the visitors, “All right, if you are here, then you must reveal yourselves and your intentions, and we will determine if you have a right to be here or not!”

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