Preparing for a New World at a Time of Great Change
The consensus about 2020 is widely expressed as “good riddance.” We all feel ready for a fresh start in the new year. So many hope for a return to normal.
This hopefulness is innocent and underinformed. The challenges facing our world have not gone away. The divisions separating us are as distinct as ever.
Readers of this realaliens website are not so innocent. Aware of the two unprecedented forces for global change in the world that conspire to unsettle the weak, we might see the times ahead as winnowing times even as we take stock of the losses experienced in 2020.
This next decade will be a great turning point for humanity, as this great environmental change begins to alter the face of the world, as humanity faces a growing presence in the world from those beyond who would seek to use this world for their own purposes. They are not here to destroy you but to use you, seeing you as part of the resource of the world.
The Great Turning Point for Humanity
The human family is standing at the threshold of great change. We are facing a growing crisis of environmental, social and political change along with our world’s emergence into a universe full of intelligent life. In response to this, Heaven has sent a divine message to uplift humanity and to prepare humanity for its next great stage of development.
What can the individual do to prepare and protect themselves from the storms to come?
Watch the broadcast on Facebook live Saturday, January 2, 2021, at 9:00 AM MT as Marshall Vian Summers presents the revelation he received on the last day of the last decade, December 31, 2019.
Participate in small breakout groups to discuss this revelation that describes how determinative the next 10 years for the future of our race on Earth. Registration required at