How the aliens are taking over

Sorry to say, but the aliens intervening on our planet are not our friends.

They’re here for the biological resources of our world (including us) and the strategic position of our planet in the solar system. Clearly, we’re not just going to give Earth away. So how are these predators planning human enslavement and to take everything? The Allies of Humanity tell us about a number of ways.

1. They will establish a presence in the world and have us become used to it.

The extraterrestrials will reach out to certain individuals who are sensitive and naturally cooperative.

“Your visitors will seek to gain allegiance with these individuals, to gain their trust and to gain their devotion, telling the recipients that the visitors are here to uplift humanity spiritually, to give humanity new hope, new blessings and new power….” Allies of Humanity Briefings, Book 1

The Allies also tell us the ETs “will offer humanity some of their basic technology, certainly nothing that they consider to be advanced, unique, secret, or sacred to them — basic propulsion in space, basic use of electronic energy, methodologies of production” in order to appear helpful.

2. They will pacify and reeducate us through spiritual persuasion.

The ETs have been releasing spiritual content into the world to pacify us. Be wary of anything promoting submission, focus on happiness, or accepting “whatever is” without resisting. They cannot teach us to be advanced spiritually because, the Allies tell us, “they lack such things themselves.”

In fact, they will use our existing religious belief against us. They are preparing a being who will be presented to us as the returning Jesus Christ.

“He will appear human and will have significant abilities…. Eventually, for those who cannot follow him, he will encourage their alienation or their destruction.” Allies of Humanity Briefings, Book 1

3. They will promise government and corporate leaders greater power in exchange for assistance.

This is perhaps the most concerning, because these people can make decisions for us against our will. And they are easily swayed by money and power — no amount of either is ever enough.

4. They will interbreed with us.

They are creating beings who look like us but have their abilities and are loyal to them. Then, they are inserting those hybrids into positions of power here to have an influence over us and our world.

Human enslavement by the ETs is nothing new — it’s been done countless times to other worlds. While that may sound defeating, the good news is that they only know their playbook. They don’t understand love, personal freedom, or spirituality. We can make choices and take actions they won’t see coming, choices that will give us greater power than them.

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4 thoughts on “How the aliens are taking over

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  • July 9, 2023 at 7:38 am

    What are the aliens waiting for? Why won’t they take over the planet we as humans are the worst thing for the planet . I think the footage of the video from the Space Shuttle capturing the missile being fired at what appeared to be a meteorite that did, an instant u-turn, there’s proof positive that the exist .

  • September 30, 2023 at 8:48 am

    Outright conquest is not allowed in this region of space. Belligerent warfare is a barbaric mentality.

    Instead, more subtle means of persuasion are employed to take over our planet. Arguments like, “humans are the worst thing for the planet” and therefore we should welcome ET aliens, is one example of how the clandestine alien agenda takes hold on Earth…


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